Goobi viewer – Manual

A very detailed manual exists for Goobi viewer. This manual is under permanent revision and therefore always reflects the current state of development and thus the current range of functions. In terms of content, the manual is primarily aimed at administrators who wish to adapt the functionality of the Goobi viewer, e.g. with regard to the metadata display, appearance or other areas of the user interface.

The manual is available in German and English.

Monthly Digests

Since the Goobi viewer is constantly being further developed, a new version is usually published once a month. For better traceability of the new features, a digest is published for each monthly version, giving an insight into the new features. There, the individual changes and functions are usually explained in detail and illustrated by means of screenshots. In addition, links to the source code of the Goobi viewer are also listed, giving a transparent insight into the development progress.

In addition to an overview of the latest completed developments that are published with the monthly versions, an insight into the concrete roadmap of future developments is also given, provided that their planning has already been concretized and implementation is imminent.